Is it worth buying a food processor?

Surely on more than one occasion you have thought about buying a kitchen robot to help you cook, how wonderful that they give us the food already ready to eat, right? Although not all are advantages, so today we are going to see both the advantages and disadvantages of this type of device.

Is it worth buying a food processor? 

Advantages of having a kitchen robot:

Cook faster:

It is true that cooking with this type of appliance is faster because they have a powerful motor and allow us to chop, cut, knead, cook, heat food, some also have a steamer ... almost everything you can imagine so if you want to save time these are a good option for you.

Cooking for several diners:

There are different robot models with different glasses, but some of them allow us to prepare food for up to 8 people, this is perfect for large families. I advise you to try to buy the ones with the largest capacity if there are many people who get together on a day-to-day basis to eat.

Don't waste food:

Most robots tell us the amount of food we have to put in, for example if they tell you 200 grams of chicken breast, you don't waste anything because when you bring a scale that will be the right amount that you will put in.

Wide variety of recipes:

Many of these kitchen robots bring several books, another have a kind of pen drive that is put in the machine and others like the thermomix bring the cookido that shows us guided recipes, that is, they tell us at all times the steps that we have to follow, continue.


Something very good is that since we do everything with the same machine once we finish cooking we only have to wash the glass of it, that is, we do not have to be cleaning thousands of things as when we cook in a traditional way.

The programing:

You do not have to cook right when you go to eat as most robots have a heating function that prevents the food from getting cold. 

Is it worth buying a food processor? 

I am not a big fan of these machines, I prefer to make traditional food, but for my birthday they gave me one, and of course, I was not going to reject it, I use it from time to time.

Disadvantages of a kitchen robot:

Its price:

Although nowadays you can buy more or less affordable robots, one that is moderately good will cost us at least 300-400 dollars and if we talk about the famous Thermomix around 1500 dollars, very expensive to cook, which is why many people decide not to buy it .


A kitchen robot is not for everyone, if you like technology you will get along with it, but for example for an elderly person it is not recommended because for them it is too modern, there are always exceptions, but the usual thing is that it is not. understand and prefer the pressure cooker.

If you don't like to cook:

Do not buy it. Basically because if you don't like cooking and if you don't like cooking, a robot won't make you like it either. You will use it a few times for the novelty and then you will stop using it.

My advice is that if you like to cook, opt for a kitchen robot because they help you a lot and make life easier, on the contrary, if you like to cook, don't spend money because it will only serve to collect dust.


People who are beginning to learn in the kitchen cannot gain experience since the robot takes many steps. Also many people who use it say that over time they forget the recipes.


It is true that it makes work easier, but in the end you are the one who has to give everything to the robot, therefore you have to work, I do not know if it is worth spending so much money for the benefit it offers.
In addition, there are certain dishes that it is not capable of making and the result is not satisfactory, for example, the browned meat is a bit rubbery, I never do it in the robot.

But hey, maybe it's the future, like the movie Back to the Future in which Martin puts a small piece in the oven and in no time a huge and impressive pizza comes out. 

Is it worth buying a food processor?

Is it worth buying a food processor?

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